BauMineral News

June 2021
BauMineral markets power station by-products from Datteln 4 power station

The Datteln 4 power station, which went online in mid-2020, is one of the most modern hard-coal fired power stations in the world. While generating electricity for public supply and environmentally friendly district heating, it also produces various high-quality power station by-products. The marketing of these products - hard coal fly ash (EFA-Füller®), bottom ash (Grobalith®) and FGD gypsum - is handled by the Uniper subsidiary BauMineral.

At the beginning of the year 2021, the supply of customers with hard coal fly ash EFA-Füller® D4 has started. The power station is doubly important for the ready-mix concrete industry in North Rhine-Westphalia: Datteln is located in the center of North Rhine-Westphalia. Alongside Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia is one of the German states with the highest ready-mix concrete production. Approx. 9 million m³ of concrete are produced annually with a comparatively high plant density, which shortens transport distances. Customers will not have to do without a product they are familiar with for the foreseeable future and can thus continue to offer concrete including hard coal fly ash, which is very popular on construction sites because of its good workability and also has ecological advantages. "This aspect is expressed by the so-called Environmental Product Declaration, which is available for our hard coal fly ashes EFA-Füller and bottom ashes Grobalith and is used by our customers for their life cycle assessment," says Daniel Ringwelski, responsible for sales in Central Germany.

Due to the gradual phase-out of coal-fired power generation by 2038, the volumes of hard coal fly ash available in Germany will continue to decline. This leads to problems from different perspectives. Today, there is no adequate substitute for hard coal fly ash. Ultimately, concrete producers will have to resort to cement to make the m3 full again. BauMineral therefore maintains close contact with its customers and tries to make EFA-Füller® D4 available for construction projects in which hard coal fly ash is indispensable. Project-related quantities are coordinated in advance. Fortunately, the Datteln power station is equipped with an 80,000-ton silo for the intermediate storage of hard coal fly ash. Thus, with appropriate coordination in advance, construction projects can be served reliably.


April 2023
Quality management system of BauMineral certified for the first time


November 2022
From Rotterdam to Wilhelmshaven


November 2021
Bottom ash from Datteln 4 for Great Britain


June 2021
BauMineral markets power station by-products from Datteln 4 power station


May 2021
Coal Phase-Out: No More By-Products for the Construction Industry BauMineral is working on sustainable CO2-neutral replacement products


November 2020
Sustainability - The BauMineral truck fleet has become more eco-friendly


February 2018
Environmental Product Declarations EPD confirm: Power plant by-products are CO2-neutral


April 2017
New headquarters of Uniper in Düsseldorf - constructed with BauMineral products


December 2014
Interview with Burkhard Jakobuß for the 25th company anniversary: "We still have lots of potential"

