BauMineral is a service provider for both the power industry and the building and construction materials industry, having around 50 years’ experience in marketing CCPs from hard coal-fired power stations. An integrated service provider responsible for the technical and logistic performance of these products from their origin in the power station to their application in the building and construction materials industry, BauMineral is the market leader in Europe.
As a long-term partner, we purchase all power plant CCPs from power plant operators, and ensure sustainable, safe and economical recycling. Our logistics system covers all seasonal fluctuations between production and sales by means of our optimally dimensioned silo plants and storage capacities. Our sales and supply logistics guarantee quality-assured and on-schedule delivery of all products.
Our technical competence, innovation and creativity in using products ensure technological and economic benefits for our customers in the building and construction materials industry. The application of building materials from hard coal-fired power stations preserves natural resources and helps conserve the environment by substituting comparable raw materials which would otherwise have to be extracted, processed or manufactured using a high energy input.